Current Projects:

  1.  Role of the frontal cortex in attentional control during foraging
  2. Optogenetic deep brain stimulation and in vivo neurophsyiology during cognitively complex tasks
  3. Optogenetic control of synaptic integration by modulation of calcium channel dynamics
  4. Influence of the cortical extracellular matrix (ECM) on learning and memory
  5. Circuit physiology of learning and decision making in sensory cortex
  6. Laser-induced lesion of corticothalamic circuits in the auditory system of ferrets

Role of the frontal cortex in attentional control during foraging

Parthiban Saravanakumar & Sabina Nowakowska

Mongolian gerbils choose between exponentially decreasing food patches (exploration/exploitation dilemma). We characterize the network physiology in frontal cortex during exploration of novel feeding sites and deficits of attentional resource allocation in aging. Funding: SFB1436 - 2021-2024; Co-work: Parthiban Saravanakumar, Sabina Nowakowska; Cooperation: Prof. Frank Ohl (LIN Magdeburg), Prof. Maike Vollmer, Prof. Stefan Pollmann (Univ. Magdeburg).

Cortical circuit plasticity in an auditory reversal Shuttle-box task in Mongolian gerbils

Ebru Acun

Using chronic animal experimental in vivo multichannel derivations and a data-driven approach, we explore the relationship between the primary auditory cortex and cognitive flexibility, through auditory decision-making with multiple reversals. We focus on modelling  to evaluate the synaptic patterns presentation option values and their temporal dynamics underlying choice.  Funding: SFB779 - 2016-2020; LPN/PAKT of the WGL - 2015-2017/DFG - 2020-2023.

Optogenetic control of synaptic integration by modulation of calcium channel dynamics

Katrina Deane and Ruslan Klymentiev

We manipulate channel dynamics of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in cell type-specific cell populations by light-induced clustering in the presynapse using modern optogenetic techniques. We investigate the effect on synaptic integration and network physiology in vivo. Funding: WGL/LIN Special project - 2018-2021; Collaboration: Prof. Martin Heine (Univ. Mainz), Alisa Vlasenko (LIN Magdeburg).

Influence of the cortical extracellular matrix (ECM) on learning and memory in juvenile and adult laboratory rodents

Ebru Acun & Mohamed El Tabbal

We investigate in juvenile and adult laboratory rodent species (gerbils, wt/ko mouse models) the influence of the extracellular matrix on cognitive learning processes and long-term memory, as well as changes in the ECM in mouse models of depression and Alzheimer's disease. Funding: DFG - 2020-2023; Cooperation: Dr. Renato Frischknecht (Univ. Erlangen), Prof. Anna Fejtova (Univ. Erlangen).

Circuit physiology of learning and decision making in sensory cortex

Marina Zempeltzi & Sümeyra Aksit 

Using chronic animal experimental in vivo multichannel derivations, we explore ubiquitous network mechanisms during uncertain decision processes and use the obtained datasets to formulate general functional principles of flexible and adaptive value representation in the brain. Funding: SFB779 - 2016-2020; Cooperation: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jocham (Univ. Düsseldorf).

Laser-induced lesion of corticothalamic circuits in the auditory system of ferrets

Max Happel

Using laser-induced apoptosis of targeted connections, we investigate the circuit physiological basis of auditory perception and learning. Funding: DAAD 2012; Collaboration: Dr. Eike Budinger (LIN Magdeburg), Dr. Marcus Jeschke (DPZ Göttingen), Prof. Andrew King and Victoria Bajo (Univ. Oxford).



Deane KE,  Klymentiev R, Heck J, Mark MD, Ohl FW, Heine M, Happel MFK (2022) Inhibiting presynaptic calcium channel mobility in the auditory cortex suppresses synchronized input processing. bioRxiv, preprint. doi: 10.1101/2022.03.30.486338


Happel MFK, Saldeitis K, Jeschke M, Budinger E, Ohl FW (2021) Laser-induced apoptosis of corticothalamic neurons in layer VI of auditory cortex impact on cortical frequency processing. Front. Neural Circuits. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2021.659280  

Lin X, Brunk MGK, Yuanxiang P, Curran AW, Zhang E, Stöber F, Goldschmidt J, Gundelfinger EG, Vollmer M, Happel MFK, Herrera-Molina R, Montag D (2021) Neuroplastin expression is essential for hearing and hair cell PMCA expression. Brain Struct Func. doi: 10.1007/s00429-021-02269-w

El-Tabbal M, Niekisch H, Henschke JU, Budinger E, Frischknecht R, Deliano M, Happel MFK (2021)  The extracellular matrix regulates cortical layer dynamics and cross-columnar frequency integration in the auditory cortex.  Commun Biol 4, 322.

Jeschke M*, Happel MFK*, Tziridis K, Krauss P, Schilling A, Schulze H, Ohl FW (2021) Acute and long-term circuit-level effects in the auditory cortex after sound trauma. Front Neural Circ. *shared first author


Zempeltzi MM, Kisse M,  Brunk MGK, Glemser C, Aksit S,  Deane KE, Maurya S, Schneider S,  Ohl FW,  Deliano M,  Happel MFK (2020) Task rule and choice are reflected by layer-specific processing in ro-dent auditory cortical microcircuits. Commun Biol 3(345).;

Deane K, Brunk MGK, Curran AW, Zempeltzi MM, Ma J, Lin X, Abela F, Aksit S, Deliano M, Ohl FW, Happel MFK (2020) Ketamine anesthesia induces gain enhancement via recurrent excitation in granular input layers of the auditory cortex. J Physiol (13)598: 2741-2751.

Mitlöhner J, Kaushik R, Niekisch H, Blondiaux A, Gee CE, Happel MFK, Gundelfinger E, Dityatev A, Frischknecht R, Seidenbecher C. (2020) Dopamine modulates the integrity of the perisynaptic extracellular matrix at excitatory synapses. Cells 9(2), 260.


Brunk M, Deane KE, Kisse M, Vieweg S, Deliano M, Ohl FW, Lippert MT, Happel MFK (2019) The VTA modulates a frequency-specific gain of thalamocortical inputs in infragranular layers of the gerbil auditory cortex. Sci Rep 9, 20385. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-56926-6

Niekisch H, Steinhardt J, Berghäuser J, Bertazzoni S, Kaschinski E, Kasper J, Kisse M, Mitlöhner J, Singh JB, Weber J, Frischknecht R, Happel MFK (2019) Learning induces transient upregulation of brevican in the auditory cortex during consolidation of long-term memories. J Neurosci, 2499-18.


Deliano M, Brunk MG, El-Tabbal M, Zempeltzi MM, Happel MFK, Ohl FW (2018) Dopaminergic neuromodulation of high-gamma stimulus phase-locking in gerbil primary auditory cortex mediated by D1/D5-receptors. Eur J Neurosci. doi:10.1111/ejn.13898


Homma NY*, Happel MFK*, Nodal FR, Ohl FW, King AJ, Bajo VL (2017) A Role for Auditory Corticothalamic Feedback in the Perception of Complex Sounds. J Neurosci, 37(25):0397-17 *shared first author

Happel MFK, Ohl FW (2017). Compensating Level-Dependent Frequency Representation in Auditory Cortex by Synaptic Integration of Corticocortical Input. PLoS ONE 12(1):e0169461

Happel MFK, Frischknecht R (2016) Neuronal Plasticity in the Juvenile and Adult Brain Regulated by the Extracellular Matrix; published in „Composition and Function of the Extracellular Matrix in the Human body“ edited by Travascio, F.; Jun 15-2016; doi: 10.5772/62452

Happel MFK (2016) Dopaminergic impact on local and global cortical circuit processing during learning. Behav Brain Res. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2015.11.016

Homma NY, Bajo VM, Happel MFK, Nodal FR, King AJ (2016) Mistuning detection performance of ferrets in a go/no-go task. J Acoust Soc Am 139(6):EL246

Frischknecht R, Happel MFK (2016) Impact of the extracellular matrix on plasticity in juvenile and adult brains. NeuroForum 1/2016

Happel MFK, Deliano M, Ohl FW (2015) Combined Shuttle-box Training with Electrophysiological Cortex Recording and Stimulation as a Tool to Study Perception and Learning. J Vis Exp, e53002, doi:10.3791/53002

Mylius J, Happel MFK, Gorkin AG, Huang Y, Scheich H, Brosch M (2015) Fast transformation from the dopaminergic ventral midbrain to the sensory cortex of awake primates; Brain Struct Funct, doi: 10.1007/s00429-014-0855-0

Tziridis K, Ahlf S, Jeschke M, Happel MFK, Ohl FW, Schulze H (2015) Noise trauma induced neural plasticity throughout the auditory system of Mongolian gerbils: differences between tinnitus developing and non-developing animals. Front Neurol 6:22. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2015.00022

Saldeitis K, Happel MFK, Ohl FW, Scheich H, Budinger E (2014) Anatomy of the auditory thalamocortical system in the Mongolian gerbil: Nuclear origins and cortical field-, layer-, and frequency-specificities. J Comp Neurol, doi: 10.1002/cne.23540

Meyer A, Diepenbrock J, Happel MFK, Ohl FW, Anemüller J (2014) Discriminative Learning of Receptive Fields from Responses to non-Gaussian Stimulus Ensembles. PLoS one, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093062

Happel MFK, Deliano M, Handschuh J, Ohl FW (2014a) Dopamine-modulated recurrent corticoefferent feedback in primary sensory cortex promotes detection of behaviorally relevant stimuli. J Neurosci, 34(4):1234-47

Happel MFK, Niekisch H, Castiblanco Rivera LL, Ohl FW, Deliano M, Frischknecht R (2014b) Enhanced cognitive flexibility in reversal learning induced by removal of the extracellular matrix in auditory cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111(7):2800-5

Lison H, Happel MFK, Schneider F, Baldauf K, Kerbstat S, Seelbinder B, Schneeberg J, Zappe M, Goldschmidt J, Budinger E, Schröder UH, Ohl FW, Schilling S, Demuth HU, Scheich H, Reymann KG, Rönicke R (2013) Disrupted cross-laminar cortical processing in β amyloid pathology precedes cell death. Neurobiol Dis, 63:62-73

Goldschmidt J, Wanger T, Engelhorn A, Friedrich H, Happel MFK, Ilango A, Engelmann M, Stürmer IW, Ohlw FW, Scheich H (2010) High-resolution mapping of neuronal activity using the lipophilic thallium chelate complex TlDDC: Protocol and validation of the method. NeuroImage, 49(1):303-315

Happel MFK, Jeschke M, Ohl FW* (2010). Spectral integration in primary auditory cortex attributable to temporally precise convergence of thalamocortical and intracortical input. J Neurosci, 30(33): 11.114-11.127

Moeller CK, Kurt S, Happel MFK, Schulze H (2010). Long-range effects of GABAergic inhibition in gerbil primary auditory cortex. Eur J Neurosci 31(1): 49-59

Meyer A, Happel MFK, Ohl FW, Anemüller J. (2009) Estimation of spectro-temporal receptive fields based on linear support vector machine classification. BMC Neurosci, doi:10.1186/1471-2202-10-S1-P147

Happel MFK, Müller S, Anemüller J, Ohl FW (2008) Predictability of STRFs in auditory cortex neurons depends on stimulus class. Proc Conf Int Speech Comm Ass Interspeech, p.670
